What you can expect during a nutritional consultation:
Initial Consultation
A comprehensive health assessment of all body systems including medical and family history
Review of current diet including food and nutrient intake
Review of current lifestyle habits
Physical assessment: height, weight, body measurements, BMI, blood pressure, skin, hair, nail and tongue analysis
Development of short and long-term health goals
Specialist testing referrals if required including all pathology, food intolerance tests, allergy tests, heavy metal assessment, urinary/salivary hormone profiles
Prescription for high-quality practitioner-only supplements (if required)
Personalised meal suggestions with therapeutic foods to include, foods to avoid, recipes, general advice on shopping and meal preparation along with advice/education on stress management and lifestyle modification
Follow up consultation
Review and amendment of treatment following Initial Consultation
Review of all test results (if required)
Review physical assessment
Review of health goals
Health Assessment
I provide a free, no-obligation 15-minute health assessment to discuss your health goals and how I can help you